Saturday, December 13, 2008

I Just Love this Time of the Year - It is so Romantic

Greetings My Dear Sisters,
I pray all is well with you and with those so dear to you. Doesn't the season just make you fall in love with Jesus all over again. We are surrounded by the Reason for this Season.
I am so grateful to have so many loving and caring individuals as yourselves. I believe the Lord has brought us together for such a time as this; as we face difficult and challanging times I pray He will guide us and give us clarity and integrity as we deal with each issue we face each day in our lives. May the Lord bless your home as you gather for the holiday celebrations. May God's presence and blessings be among you, may He be honored in all these events. Thank you so much for keeping this ministry in your prayers and for all your support this past year. I pray God's blessings, guidance, for friendships, for a stronger spiritual life that will sustain us in the coming years. I pray for God's help and intervention. I encourage you my dear sisters to build a firm foundation in the Word of God. All the best, blessings this Christmas Season!
Until Next Time - In His Love,

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving my beloved Sisters. I just love this time of the year. As the season fast approaches the holidays I would like to say that I wish you the best Thanksgiving Day yet!

Good Times! It is a time to gather with our precious family and to remember those loved ones that have moved on to heaven but have left us all with a lasting and loving memory in our hearts. As we strive for excellence as followers of Jesus we must humble our selves and be willing to serve. How may of us will go to the lengh for those who are least worthy and least grateful? Let us make time to reach out to the lonely, the misunderstood and the less fortunate.
We are the Moses of today and His disciples bringing Good News! to the lost and to the captive.

I am so thankful that our Lord has given me the strength and wisdom to overcome life's storms and trials and has also allowed me to dwell amongst beauty and peace that only my Savior, Jesus Christ can. I am thankful for you my beloved sisters; you are a blessings to me. Be encouraged and stay focused on Him. Pray continually and you will never be disappointed. Blessings to you and those you love.

Until next time, Serving Him Together,


Friday, October 3, 2008

Living an Everyday Life of Victory -

Greetings My Precious Sisters in Christ,

I am still on that spiritual high since I attended the Women of God 2008 Conference. It was
an awesome experience! Pastor Diana Hagee, her staff and the guest speakers blessed the socks off of us! The facilitators were a humble women with a passion for Christ. Wish you all of you could have been there. Perhaps you will be able to make the next conference.

Until the next time - May we surrender our lives, our souls to Him, to the spirit of God inside of us. May we seek Him everyday and in everything we say, think and do. May our joy be full; as we purposely live to please Him our only ‘Savior’

Note: Next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 4th - At 11:30 - English Tea Shoppe
We meet every 1st and 3rd of the month.

Your Cell Group Leader,
Toni Alvear

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We are daughers of the King!
Meeting up to be in the presence of God is a delight to us Women of God; regardless of age on Saturday morning we all made sure we had our pearls and that we were ready to celebrate our only Savior, our coming Messiah! Tea with friends, sisters in Christ; what a way to start the day! You don't want to miss the next cell group meeting! Jesus loves you and I love you too!
Ladies, keep in mind that our thoughts are extremly powerful! Guard them accordingly.....
Serving Him Together, Your Cell Group Leader,

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Breaking Bread with Sisters in Christ.

Today's woman is always on the fast lane however today a few Godly Women gathered together to worship and study His Word. Among us were the Williams, Eric and Maryann. We were honored to have Brother Eric lead us into praise and worship. After the lesson the ambiance and fellowship was a sight that only God could have orchestrated. All Glory to God!

We are todays Saints and Disciples allowing our light to shine before men, that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.


Next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 20th. Note it will be at the same place and same time. Maryann will be giving the lesson since my Sister Josie and my Neice Jenny have blessed me with a ticket to "The Kings Daughers" Women of God 2008 National Conference. Praise His Holy Name! - The favor of God!

The next lesson will be on the "Four kinds of Covenant" (personal, family, church and civil)

The memory verse: Psalm 89:35-37

On another note: Pastor Diana Hagee has extended an invitation at no cost to any lady desiring to be blessed by Gloria Copeland - Author, Teacher & Minister of the Gospel, Kenneth Copeland Ministries on Friday, September 19th, at 7pm. If you are interested in attending the conference they also announced for groups of 10 or more a reduced price of $65.00 per person will be made available. Please let me know if you are intested in this special rate. Check out this web site for additional information.

Under the Tribe of Simeon - Cornerstone Cell Group Leader,

Toni Alvear

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Covenant: The promise of the kingdom

Hello, my Sisters in Christ. I am excited to inform you that the next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 6, 2008. The lesson to be discussed will be on the definition of the Covenant. The Bible verse to go along with this message is in Deuteronomy 29:9 - It is recommended you read it be forehand.
The purpose of a cell group ministry is to form a relationship through fellowship and support. In order to achieve a binding relationship of closeness, our cell group will be meeting twice a month. Therefore we will meet on the 6th and on the 20th of September. Both Bible studies will be held at the same place and at the same time. I encourage you to be in prayer about these up-coming meetings; together we will search the scriptures in relation to the sovereign plan of God. Come expecting to receive a Word intended just for you because the Lord has placed a desire in my heart to minister to women. I want to encourage and help equip women to live God's intent and purpose for their lives in hopes that they may mentor and prepare the next generation of godly women. I pray you will come expecting to receive a cup of joy and friendship allowing your life to be transformed through the power of His Word.
If you have any questions, prayer request or comments please feel free to contact me through email at
In obedience to his Word, and trusting His promises, I look forward to seeing all of you beautiful ladies soon!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

beginning of blogging...

Hi ladies, this is my very first blog and I cant believe I've made it this far! I could not have done it without Christine's help and the encouragement I received from my co-worker Carme. Christine is my bible study assistant. 'Mother and daughter growing in God's Word' - Growing women of all ages, the young and the younger. For those of you who already know and to those of you who don't, I have started up my bible study tea luncheons again at the English Tea Shoppe once a month. I am excited and can't wait to share what God is doing within this cell group! What an awesome opportunity to get together with other women and encourage each other. Please invite your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, even your co-workers. This is an open invitation to you and women in the San Antonio, Texas area who are seeking the Word of God that changes lives!

The next meeting will be held Saturday September 6, 2008
From 11:30 - 1:pm
The English Tea Shoppe, located at 6877 Bandera Rd 78238
Map link:

Kindly RSVP via my email
Tea and Scones or Tea and Sandwiches with chips $10 or less
Note: No gratuities added, kindly be generous with your tip.