Sunday, August 24, 2008

Covenant: The promise of the kingdom

Hello, my Sisters in Christ. I am excited to inform you that the next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 6, 2008. The lesson to be discussed will be on the definition of the Covenant. The Bible verse to go along with this message is in Deuteronomy 29:9 - It is recommended you read it be forehand.
The purpose of a cell group ministry is to form a relationship through fellowship and support. In order to achieve a binding relationship of closeness, our cell group will be meeting twice a month. Therefore we will meet on the 6th and on the 20th of September. Both Bible studies will be held at the same place and at the same time. I encourage you to be in prayer about these up-coming meetings; together we will search the scriptures in relation to the sovereign plan of God. Come expecting to receive a Word intended just for you because the Lord has placed a desire in my heart to minister to women. I want to encourage and help equip women to live God's intent and purpose for their lives in hopes that they may mentor and prepare the next generation of godly women. I pray you will come expecting to receive a cup of joy and friendship allowing your life to be transformed through the power of His Word.
If you have any questions, prayer request or comments please feel free to contact me through email at
In obedience to his Word, and trusting His promises, I look forward to seeing all of you beautiful ladies soon!

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