Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Beginings and The Value of Wisdom


Can you believe we are already in September!?! Mind you, mid September. I stepped away for a little while to regroup and now I am back with a fresh perspective and restored through the grace of our only Savior. Sometimes we need to do that, we need to get by ourselves and before God and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us unto all truth; allow our almighty God to heal our brokenness and cover our nakedness with His righteousness. The trials and storms of life can be hazardous to our health therefore it is imperative that we turn it over to our redeemer. Every trial is an opportunity to grow in wisdom and glorify our Magnificant Father. I have learned that it does not matter how long we are on this planet earth or how little; the rain falls on the just and on the unjust. On our knees we find comfort, grace, hope and we strengthen our faith. We live in a time when it is not easy for a woman to share her believes and witness; without being dissected and or being scrutinized of our faith not only from the world but from our very own family of God. He has chosen us for such a time as this. "We must let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven" Matt 5:16. We live in a time when we can not take our freedom of worship for granted. We must take a stand and pray for the soul of America. When I read the inspired Word of God it gives me hope and I can feel confident that I am not alone but with the lover of my soul. "He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly" Proverbs 2:7

"When you reach the river of impossibilities trust God and draw from His promises" - Author Unknown

May God richly bless you in all that you do. Until next time. Keep your candle burning!

God loves and I love you,


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